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AD MEDICA children’s hospital, Poznan/PL

Smooth, hygienic walls in new children’s hospital

A hygienic environment is a key architectural requirement in the healthcare sector, so all materials have to meet particularly high standards.

Initial situation: New building for children’s hospital

The walls in the new corridors, waiting room, doctors’ rooms, laboratory and surgeries at the pre- and postnatal pediatric hospital were to be covered with a hard-wearing, durable wall covering that stays completely hygienic for a long time and can be disinfected.

Solution: SYSTEXX Premium 060 (now named SYSTEXX Pure Silk 060) +R-factor

The original plan was to use stucco and plaster. However, when a direct comparison was made, the client opted for SYSTEXX glass fabric because of its special technical features. With the right coating, the glass fabrics are very hard-wearing and can be disinfected.

The hospital managers chose the SYSTEXX Premium 060 (now named SYSTEXX Pure Silk 060) pattern because of its fine, timelessly smooth appearance. In combination with a suitable coating system, it meets all the requirements of a healthcare facility.

The result: a healthy atmosphere thanks to hygienic walls



ul. Szczepankowo 72 D
61-311 Poznan, Poland


SYSTEXX Premium Exclusive 060
(now named SYSTEXX Pure Silk 060)
SYSTEXX Comfort Glassfleece V22
(now named SYSTEXX Pure Fleece V22)
SYSTEXX Active Magnetic M22


KASIA ORWAT home design
61-103 Poznan, Poland

Quick and easy to hang thanks to Aqua Technology

Quick and easy to hang thanks to Aqua Technology

Reaction-to-fire: B-s1, d0 – extremely flame retardant

Extremely abrasion and scrub-resistant

Resistant to disinfectants and cleaning agents (in combination with the corresponding coating systems)

Made in Germany

Non-hazardous to health: Oeko-Tex certified
